Using UEFN & Fortnite creative's new camera functions this game brings a top-down and fixed angle gaming perspective zombie shooter that feels like no other! Gather money and resources to traverse through the torn-down landscape. This game is going to test your skills, I hope you're ready. Good Luck and I'll see you out there!
Modified Volumes to more accurately display firing mode
+Captain's Shed & Quest to unlock
Modified Interaction
Music Change
Decreased fuel consumption
Fixed maps
Using UEFN & Fortnite creative's new camera functions this game brings a top-down and fixed angle gaming perspective zombie shooter that feels like no other! Gather money and resources to traverse through the torn-down landscape. This game is going to test your skills, I hope you're ready. Good Luck and I'll see you out there!
Modified Volumes to more accurately display firing mode
+Captain's Shed & Quest to unlock
Auto-clear title camera backup
Decreased fuel consumption
score tracker+