Just Launched: Fortnite Companion App for PC

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  • tags:
    "practice, pvp, free for all, respawn" "sports, free for all, competitive, respawn"
  • description:
    πŸ‰ Ever wanted to wear a rugby ball as a back bling? πŸ‰ πŸ…Choose from one of the world cup rugby teams 2023 πŸ”₯ Rugby stadium all new design ⭐ build fight stadium! πŸ‘ŒDont wanna build fight? then have fun on the vehicles
    πŸ”₯UPDATEDπŸ”₯with Thunderbolt ZEUS, Alien Nanites, Port-a-forts and more πŸ‰ Ever wanted to wear a rugby ball as a back bling? πŸ‰ πŸ…Choose from one of the world cup rugby teams 2023 πŸ”₯ Rugby stadium all new design ⭐ build fight stadium! πŸ‘ŒDont wanna build fight? then have fun on the vehicles
  • Lobby Img:
  • tags:
    "sports, free for all, just for fun, competitive" "practice, pvp, free for all, respawn"
  • introduction:
    Choose your Rugby Team Grap your weapons Head to the battle field and have loads of fun!
    Choose your Rugby Team Grab your weapons Head to the battle field and have loads of fun!