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- introduction: Up to 6 players per team. Defend your base, or attack the enemy base. Destroy the enemy base to win the round, but the best of 11 rounds wins the game! Destory the enemy base or eliminate all enemy players to win each round!Up to 6 players per team. Defend your base, or attack the enemy base. Destroy the enemy base to win the round, but the best of 11 rounds wins the game! Destory the enemy base or eliminate all enemy players to win each round!
- title: "Search & Destory Bases" "Search & Destory Island"
- description: 11 minute round Search & Destroy. Eliminate enemy team or destory enemy base to win. Up to 6 players per team, best of 11 rounds wins.Up to 6 players per team. Defend your base, or attack the enemy base. Destroy the enemy base to win the round. Best of 11 rounds wins the game!
- introduction: 11 minute round Search & Destroy. 2 teams of up to 6 players each. Best of 11 rounds wins. Destory the enemy base or eliminate all enemy players to win each round!Up to 6 players per team. Defend your base, or attack the enemy base. Destroy the enemy base to win the round, but the best of 11 rounds wins the game! Destory the enemy base or eliminate all enemy players to win each round!
- description: 10 minute round Search & Destroy. Eliminate enemy team or destory enemy base to win. Up to 6 players per team, best of 10 rounds wins.11 minute round Search & Destroy. Eliminate enemy team or destory enemy base to win. Up to 6 players per team, best of 11 rounds wins.
- introduction: 10 minute round Search & Destroy. Best of 10 rounds wins. Destory the enemy base or eliminate all enemy players to win each round!11 minute round Search & Destroy. 2 teams of up to 6 players each. Best of 11 rounds wins. Destory the enemy base or eliminate all enemy players to win each round!