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Fortnite Maps/RED VS BLUE


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Map Description

Welcome to this island created by WakSkyLegend! On this "RED VS BLUE" island you will be able to face your opponents simply, or by confronting them in mini-events which will take place throughout your game session! (Any reuse of this miniature is strictly prohibited as it is subject to the copyright holder: WakSkyLegend)


  • - Face your opponents on this “RED VS BLUE” island with balanced teams.
  • - Mini events take place every 3 minutes!
  • - Eliminate your opponents until you reach "UNREAL" rank!


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Fortnite maps by wakskylegend

Creator Profile


Salut moi c'est WakSkyLegend, je suis créateur de contenu sur YOUTUBE, TWITCH, TIKTOK, KICK. N'hésite pas à me rejoindre sur les réseaux sociaux. N'hésite pas également à mettre le CODE CREATEUR "WAKSKYLEGEND" dans la boutique pour me soutenir et à rejoindre le serveur discord ! Bon jeu à toi !