💸 Earn money by eliminating player or Robbing the bank 💸
🏡 Buy Houses and Cars 🚗
🗣️ Added Proximity Chat 📣
🤫 Find secret codes to unlock certain of items 🤫
🥇🆕Rank System 🥇
👮Jail System👮
🎁🆕 Gold Earning system🎁
🎁🆕 Mystery box🎁
💾Saves gold, Eliminations & Ranks 💾
💸 Earn money by eliminating player or Robbing the bank 💸
🏡 Buy Houses and Cars 🚗
🗣️ Added Proximity Chat 📣
🤫 Find secret codes to unlock certain of items 🤫
🥇🆕Rank System 🥇
👮Jail System👮
🎁🆕 Gold Earning system🎁
💾Saves gold, Eliminations & Ranks 💾