Red VS Blue Style Game
Very fun map
Res Downed Teammates or troll downed enemies
Save your favorite load out
Endless Team Death Match
Mythic Weapons Hidden all over map
Each building has a unique theme!
Great for warming up before a match. Practice your aim and skills with many different weapons. No cooldown between swapping weapons. Play with friends or meet new ones with proximity chat. Fight for Supply Drops every few minutes and earn Mythics/Gold. Switch teams to stay with friends.
Custom team UI
Very fun map
Res Downed Teammates or troll downed enemies
Save your favorite load out
Endless Team Deathmatch
Mythic Weapons Hidden all over map
Each building has a unique theme!
Great for warming up before a match. Practice your aim and skills with many different weapons. No cooldown between swapping weapons. Play with friends or meet new ones with proximity chat. Fight for Supply Drops every few minutes and earn Mythics/Gold. Switch teams to stay with friends.