The game is simple, you spawn with snipers and so does everyone else.
If you are a solo you can eliminate raptors that spawn down below the toilets.
If you are with people though it's a full free for all. First to 100 Eliminations wins, or if Solo first to 200 Animal Eliminations.
There are campfires at the top of the toilets as well as grind rails for some added fun.
Don't fall into or below the toilets as that is a elimination zone.
Thanks for playing!
The game is simple, you spawn with snipers and so does everyone else.
If you are a solo you can eliminate raptors that spawn down below the toilets.
If you are with people though it's a full free for all. First to 100 Eliminations wins.
Don't fall into or below the toilets as that is a elimination zone.
Thanks for playing!