The tranquility of a small town off Route 66 was shattered when a UFO crash-landed nearby and unleashed a horde of shape-shifting aliens. In response, AREA 51 sent MIB, to contain the threat. As part of this elite squad, you must navigate the town, identify the alien infiltrators, and restore order before the invasion spreads.
Will you blend in or stand out? Join the Alien Invasion: Prop Hunt now and experience the thrill of outsmarting or out-hunting in this epic alien showdown!
👽Aliens vs MIB🕵️♂️
🧟Infection style Prop Hunt
🛸 I bet you can't land on top of the red UFO's 🤣
🏚️ Can you find all of the secret hiding spots?
🔨 Creative 2.0 / UEFN
🏗️ Updated regularly