Fortnite Game Tags
- pvp 80176
- practice 79598
- free for all 77510
- just for fun 67002
- 1v1 45379
- boxfight 36046
- action 29190
- competitive 28957
- building 28851
- team deathmatch 26708
- zonewars 25459
- battle 25211
- minigame 20002
- gun game 19548
- deathrun 17179
- parkour 17005
- casual 16023
- party game 15517
- race 12675
- one shot 12299
- battle royale 10497
- respawn 10297
- fighting 9832
- open world 9164
- training 8836
- adventure 8765
- gun fight 8605
- escape 8457
- arena 8423
- solo 7870
- difficulty: easy 7834
- funny 6995
- teams 6872
- first person 6748
- memes 6240
- horror 6168
- heroes 5775
- sniper 5697
- artistic 5645
- survival 5640
- tycoon 5468
- 2v2 5374
- attack 5290
- pve 5286
- role playing 5065
- friendly 4903
- simulator 4891
- shooter 4534
- co-op 4414
- exploration 4306
- edit course 4141
- prop hunt 4040
- creatures 4024
- duo 3885
- 8v8 3304
- 4v4 3302
- aim course 2989
- arcade 2969
- boss battle 2854
- difficulty: medium 2849
- music 2829
- survival horror 2736
- driver simulator 2676
- rounds 2612
- base 2599
- 3v3 2534
- fashion 2478
- puzzle 2399
- capture the flag 2374
- party world 2271
- atmospheric 2266
- strategy 2257
- difficulty: hard 2164
- peaceful 2014
- skills 1970
- single player 1841
- runner 1767
- mystery 1749
- sports 1634
- event 1616
- winterfest 1593
- 5v5 1468
- defend 1462
- squad 1422
- story 1411
- one life 1367
- classes 1281
- base building 1272
- objective 1260
- secrets 1258
- trios 1249
- fortnitemares 1210
- point capture 1148
- collection 1130
- 6v6 1060
- quiz 1058
- moving 1053
- timed 990
- hub 929
- difficulty: impossible 912
- melee 901
- explosives 898
- seasonal 872
- educational 865
- prop 779
- 2d 726
- platformer 713
- sandbox 704
- stealth 680
- show 675
- difficulty: very hard 675
- search & destroy 627
- infection 604
- board game 604
- king of the hill 592
- hardcore 569
- unbalanced teams 544
- difficulty: ultra hard 483
- series 461
- rpg 450
- one in the chamber 446
- crafting 365
- economy 362
- choices matter 355
- space 315
- farming simulator 290
- roguelike 268
- top-down 261
- 7v7 234
- tower defense 233
- tutorial 227
- ad 225
- clicker 214
- shop 197
- side scroller 169
- retro 153
- moba 152
- trivia 145
- physics 124
- turn-based 104
- mining 103
- card game 100
- patchwork 89
- nonlinear 80
- pinball 77
- pixel art 58
- episodic 55
- jam system 55
- word games 51
- sequel 50
- visual novel 37