This map in an entire experience! Amazing map design, story progression, voice acting, and a huge plethora of things to unlock and secrets to explore. I think this is perhaps the most polished, jam packed, well made map in Fornite so far.
A shockingly dead map with a great precedent and utility. This map opens up the possibilities in fortnite creative in being a useful and adorable productivity app. I believe the reason it isn't flourishing in the current enviroment is because, it goes so against the current status quo of creative maps. There isn't a real tag nor space for utilities in fortnite creative as of this moment, but there certainly should be. With their constant desire to expand and grow just what fortnite is, useful productivity apps are long overdue!
This map is alot of fun! I really enjoyed it. Unfortunately it's a little too hard for me to finish, but I loved the atmosphere and collection elements.
This map is a real shining star of tycoon maps. As tycoon maps flood the servers with copy paste mechanics and gameplay, seeing something as jam packed and unique as this is a huge breath of fresh air.
A game with unique and relaxing mechanics. I love the cozy aspect and the asmr of being able to clean with friends. I'd love to see this mechanic expanded upon.
This is the best dirt bike map I've found by far. The maps are ecclectic and fun. I love that it rotates every ten minutes so you don't get bored. All of the different elements of the game, both planned and implimented, make it a really fun experience that alot of other maps sorely lack.
I enjoyed playing this map alot! Nobody was on while I was playing so I missed out on one of the key aspects of the gameplay unfortunately, but even navigating the maze by myself was pretty fun. The monster scared me alot haha.
What an amazing game! The amount of detail put into this map is unreal. It’s like an entire steam game in Fortnite. The amount of interactivity is amazing and the QOL hasent been skimped on at all. I wish I could find more maps this absolutely amazing. I’m excited for future features and updates, and hope it continues to be maintained. This alone is more fun than many official game modes in fn; the replay-ability is the real gem.
Super fun! I always wanted to go to a skate park as a child. This was a blast. Reminds me of when I used to play Tony hawk games. There being a whole system in the game already for a few tricks really makes maps like this necessary.